Empowering community.
Empowering you.

Featured Programs

  • Head Start

    Available in:



    What is it?

    Head Start is a federally funded and locally operated program that provides comprehensive early childhood education, health and social services to families with children. Head Start programs help chil... READ MORE

    Who is it for?

    For children ages 3 to 5 whose families meet the eligibility criteria.

    How does this benefit you?

    Activities for Children:

    • Enjoy safe and licensed facilities
    • Be part of a high quality early childhood education program and learn important skills to prepare for entering into Kindergarten
    • Attain school readiness and early literacy development
    • Gain exposure to literature, both fiction and non-fiction
    • Learn math skills, science lessons, and discovery
    • Develop social skills and self-help skills
    • Engage in large motor and fine motor activities
    • Enjoy music, dance, and art
    • Get developmental and health screenings/assessments
    • Receive nutritious meals daily

    Activities for Parents:

    • Participate in activities and workshops for parents
    • Engage in regular opportunities to volunteer for parents
    • Get the support in the learning journey of raising your child


    Contact Information

    For more information, contact us!

    Broome County families- 607-723-6493

    Chenango County families- 607-334-7114

  • Rapid Re-Housing (RRH)

    Available in:



    What is it?

    Rapid Re-Housing is an intervention, informed by a Housing First approach that is a critical part of a community’s effective homeless crisis response system. Although Greater Opportunities, Inc.... READ MORE

    Who is it for?

    Homeless individuals and families residing in a place not meant for human habitation, residing in a shelter or hotel/motel paid by charitable organizations or federal/state/local government programs, or exiting an institution where the person has resided in 90 days or less and who was homeless at point of entry. 

    How does this benefit you?

    • Receive financial assistance in the form of security deposit and up to 6 months rent as needed
    • Get supportive case management services to identify and overcome barriers to housing instability and achieving financial independence

    How to Apply

    Select a form below to complete online.

    Rapid Re-Housing Contact Form Rapid Re-Housing Submit Document Form

    Contact Information

    For information, please contact Greater Opportunities. 

    Broome Main Office- 607-723-6493

    Chenango Main Office- 607-334-7114

  • Early Head Start

    Available in:


    What is it?

    Chenango County Early Head Start is a federally funded and locally operated program for pregnant women and children ages birth to three. Families are served by weekly home-based visits. Activities are... READ MORE

    Who is it for?

    For pregnant women and children ages birth to 3 year olds.

    How does this benefit you?

    Activities for Children

    • Enjoy safe and licensed facilities
    • Be part of a high-quality early childhood education program and learn important skills
    • Attain school readiness and early literacy development
    • Gain exposure to literature, both fiction and non-fiction
    • Learn math skills, science lessons, and discovery
    • Develop social skills and self-help skills
    • Engage in large motor and fine motor activities
    • Enjoy music, dance, and art
    • Get developmental and health screenings/assessments
    • Receive nutritious meals daily in center-based classrooms

    Activities for Parents:

    • Participate in activities and workshops for parents
    • Engage in regular opportunities to volunteer for parents
    • Get the support in the learning journey of raising your child

    Contact Information

    For information please contact Greater Opportunities at 607-334-7114.

  • HUD Counseling

    Available in:



    What is it?

    Greater Opportunities formerly known as Opportunities for Chenango, Inc. has been a Certified HUD Counseling Agency since 1992. The purpose is to educate individuals of all income levels regarding an... READ MORE

    Who is it for?

    Individuals from all income levels seeking to learn about the best practices for an array living situations including homeowners, renters, first-time homebuyers, or individuals who struggling to pay for housing.

    How does this benefit you?

    Learn About:

    • Homelessness
    • Rental assistance (having a hard time finding a place to live, rental arrears, landlord problems)
    • Fair housing issues
    • Mortgage delinquency or facing foreclosure
    • Predatory lending
    • Refinancing
    • Home repairs
    • First-time home buying education
    • Reverse mortgages

    How to Apply

    Select a form below to complete online.

    HUD Counseling Contact Form HUD Counseling Submit Document

    Click the button to download the application form. Complete and return according to the instructions in the form.


    Contact Information

    For information and/or an application, please contact Greater Opportunities at 607-334-7114.

  • Permanent Supportive Housing

    Available in:



    What is it?

    The goal of the Greater Opportunities Supportive Housing Program is to provide assistance for participant families and individuals living in poverty to obtain and maintain healthy interdependence with... READ MORE

    Who is it for?

    Families and individuals who are living in poverty who are looking to grow and become independent members of our community and self-sufficient in all areas of life.    

    How does this benefit you?

    • Receive counseling services on how to obtain and maintain healthy lifestyle that include case management, life skills education and training, and employment skills training. 
    • Get permanent housing assistance
    • Learn about health, finances, employment, and socialization

    How to Apply

    Select a form below to complete online.

    Broome- Permanent Supportive Housing Contact Form Broome- Permanent Supportive Housing Submit Document Permanent Supportive CAP Application Chenango- Permanent Supportive Housing Contact Form

    Click the button to download the application form. Complete and return according to the instructions in the form.


    Contact Information

    For information, please contact Greater Opportunities at 607-723-6493 or 607-334-7114

  • Manufactured Housing Replacement

    Available in:



    What is it?

    The Greater Opportunities Manufactured Housing Replacement Program (MHRP) is designed to serve those with the greatest of need and lowest of income as its primary focus. The goal is to undertake actio... READ MORE

    Who is it for?

    Individuals who are currently living in dilapidated pre-1976 mobile homes or post-1976 manufactured homes looking for assistance on serious repairs including structural and systematic deficiencies. Eligible requirements focus on households that are at or below 50% of area median income (as defined by the US Department of Housing and Urban Development Section 8 Guidelines).

    How does this benefit you?

    • Live in a new Energy Star rated manufactured home
    • Save on energy bills
    • Enjoy living in a comfortable, affordable, energy efficient, and safe home

    How to Apply

    Select a form below to complete online.

    Manufactured Housing Rehab Contact Form Manufactured Housing Rehab- Submit Document MHRP Customer Intake Form

    Click the button to download the application form. Complete and return according to the instructions in the form.


    Contact Information

    For information and/or an application, please contact Greater Opportunities at 607-334-7114.

  • HUD-Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher

    Available in:


    What is it?

    The Housing Choice Voucher Program offers rental assistance to eligible low to moderate income families and individuals who want to reside in Chenango County and help them gain safe and adequate housi... READ MORE

    Who is it for?

    Individuals and families looking for rental assistance, affordable housing, and safe living conditions in Chenango County.

    How does this benefit you?

    • Receive monthly rental assistance
    • Live in affordable and safe housing

    How to Apply

    Select a form below to complete online.

    Chenango- HUD (Section 8) Submit Document Chenango- HUD (Section 8) Basic Contact Form Chenango- HUD (Section 8)Application Request Form

    Click the button to download the application form. Complete and return according to the instructions in the form.


    Contact Information

    For information please contact Greater Opportunities at 607-334-7114.

    Our Mission is to Create Opportunities.

    The mission of Greater Opportunities is to educate, advocate, and empower individuals and families to improve the quality of their lives through the development of self-reliance, while promoting a culture of people working together to help themselves, one another, and their community.

    How we help you achieve your own success.

    • Our team works hand-in-hand with you to help create the opportunities and programs that work for you.
    • We will meet with you face-to-face to help track your progress in order to ensure your ultimate success.
    • We believe that your success is our success.

    One Voice. One Mission.

    The unique thing about OFB and OFC’s decision to merge, is that neither agency needed to merge. Both agencies had remarkable reputations with our funders and were considered strong agencies within our communities. We were not weak agencies, looking to survive in a turbulent economic climate. Rather, we were progressive agencies looking to see what we could do better to serve our clients and our communities by coming together as one.

    Opportunities for Broome and Chenango Board Presidents

    Robert Starr and Jerry Skrivan

    In 2013, Opportunities for Broome and Opportunities for Chenango, Inc. began discussing the possibility of a merger of the two agencies. With economic down turns and possible funding scarcity, a merger would accomplish multiples goals: enhance organizational capacity to achieve results; reduce administrative costs; increase flexibility to meet the needs of the clients we serve; and provide an opportunity to focus on our mission of empowering people and our communities. Although bigger is not always better, a merged agency would provide us the capability of adapting to meet the needs of our communities and those we serve. With the dedicated support of the Board of Directors, the trust and support of the personnel of both agencies, and a tremendous amount of hard work, we are proud to finally announce the merger of the two agencies into Greater Opportunities for Broome and Chenango, Inc. As one of the few Community Action Agencies across New York State serving multiple counties, we are very excited to start our new endeavor while we continue to create opportunities for those we serve.